(video of her signing at bottom of text)

ALEXANDRA BURKE signed by Alexandra.jpg
Alexandra Burke signing the portrait(photo by kind permission of Richard Goldschmidt)

Alexandra Burke signing the portrait

(photo by kind permission of Richard Goldschmidt)

Alexandra signing painting 3.JPG
Alexandra signature.JPG

Alexandra Burke

Painted in February 2009

Acrylic on canvas - 24 inch x 24 inch

For Sale (POA)

Autographed by Alexandra in February 2009

Award winning R'n'B singer and West End stage actress Alexandra Burke appeared at the BRIT awards in London, February 2009.

I travelled to London to meet Alexandra, and after 9 hours of getting crushed in the crowds I finally go to meet her.

She was very kind and friendly and signed for many fans.

She kindly wrote on my portrait "You're amazing!"

Below is the film of Alexandra signing the portrait