(video of her signing at bottom of text)

URSULA ANDRESS signed by Ursula-s.jpg
Ursula Andress signing the portrait

Ursula Andress signing the portrait

Myself and Ursula

Myself and Ursula

Painting Ursula Andress

Painting Ursula Andress


Ursula Andress

James Bond 'Dr No'

Painted in September 2009

Acrylic on canvas - 30 inch x 24 inch


Autographed by Ursula in September 2009

I heard that Ursula was appearing at a film and TV actors autograph convention in Birmingham.

I worked for over 30 hours to produce a portrait that captured her spirit.

Then left early in the morning to drive 180 miles to Birmingham with my dad to meet her at the event.

When Ursula saw the portrait she said "Wow!" and kindly signed it and posed for a photo with me.

Below is a film of Ursula Andress signing the portrait.