(video of him signing at bottom of text)

Daniel Craig - Autographed by him.jpg
Daniel Craig sees the painting

Daniel Craig sees the painting

Daniel Craig signing the painting despite having his arm in a sling

Daniel Craig signing the painting despite having his arm in a sling

Daniel Craig signing 8.JPG
Daniel Craig signing 13.JPG
Painting Daniel Craig

Painting Daniel Craig


Daniel Craig

Painted in October 2008

Acrylic on canvas - 30 inch x 24 inch

Sold to a client in Hampshire, UK

Autographed by Daniel in October 2008

The portrait took over 25 hours of hard work to paint then the day of the Royal World Premiere of the James Bond film 'Quantum of Solace' arrived.

A 100 mile journey to London at 6.30am on a cold and snowy morning, eventually arriving at Leicester Square at 8.30am and took my place with the other fans already gathered there.

We waited all day in the freezing cold and snow as Daniel was due to arrive at 6pm that evening.

By 6pm Leicester Square was packed with many hundreds of fans.

Daniel arrived, dressed in James Bond style despite having his arm in a sling due to an accident on the film set.

As he approached the area I was in, with hundreds of fans screaming for his autograph, I was being crushed against a metal barrier but held my painting over the top of it to protect it.

Daniel saw the painting and said "That's fantastic! do you want me to sign it?",

I said "yes please!"

He kindly signed it despite his arm being in a sling.

It was quite an experience and a lot of effort to get the signature but it was worth it to see Daniel's reaction and get his signature.

Below is the film of him signing the portrait.