(video of her signing at bottom of text)

Katherine Jenkins.JPG
Myself, my Dad Bryan, and Katherine

Myself, my Dad Bryan, and Katherine

Katherine Jenkins signing 2.JPG

Katherine Jenkins

Classical Singer

Painted in December 2008

Acrylic on canvas - 30 inch x 24 inch

Sold to a client in UK

Autographed by Katherine in December 2008

When Katherine was giving a concert in my home town, I worked for over 30 hours on a portrait of her then went to the theatre along with Dad who is a big fan of hers, to try and meet her.

We arrived at the theatre at 2pm hoping to meet Katherine as she arrived for her concert. We met her manager but he said she wouldn’t arrive until 6pm.

So I waited at the theatre with my Dad until then.

However, when she arrived at 6pm, her manager said she was in a hurry and couldn’t sign it, but he would try and ask her to sign it after the show.

So, after 8 hours of waiting and thoroughly exhausted, we finally met Katherine at 10pm when she kindly autographed my portrait and posed for a photo with myself and my Dad.

Below is a video of Katherine signing the portrait.