(videos of them signing at bottom of text)

THE FELLOWSHIP signed by Ian, Elijah, Viggo & Dominic - Paul Stillwell copy.jpg
Sir Ian McKellen signing the painting

Sir Ian McKellen signing the painting

Elijah Wood signing the painting

Elijah Wood signing the painting

Viggo Mortensen signing the painting

Viggo Mortensen signing the painting

Dominic Monaghan signing the portrait

Dominic Monaghan signing the portrait

Two paintings signed by Elijah Wood!

Two paintings signed by Elijah Wood!

The first stages of planning the painting in pencil

The first stages of planning the painting in pencil

My first ever painting in progress!

My first ever painting in progress!

Using a paste to create a 3D effect on the canvas

Using a paste to create a 3D effect on the canvas

The Fellowship 7.JPG

Ian McKellen

Elijah Wood

Viggo Mortensen

Dominic Monaghan

Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship

The first painting of my career

Painted in August 2006

Acrylic on canvas - 30 inch x 24 inch

For Sale on Ebay - Click here for Ebay listing

Autographed by Elijah, Ian, Viggo & Dominic between 2006 and 2008

Elijah Wood

When I decided to begin painting as a hobby in 2006 (see the page ‘About my Art’ for the full story), my first choice was to paint a scene from my favourite film ‘Lord of The Rings’.

I spent many days planning the painting, creating the scene in pencil first, as carefully and accurately as I could. Then began my first journey into acrylic painting!

Over 30 hours of work later, I was delighted with my first painting.

I then went a step further and painted a portrait of the lead character ‘Frodo’, played superbly by Elijah Wood.

I sent a photo of the two paintings to my friend Rebecca in Belgium. She was also a huge fan of the film and mentioned that Elijah was currently filming a new film in London and that perhaps he could autograph it.

Well, after the most magical adventure meeting Elijah (read the page of the Elijah Wood portrait for the amazing story of how I met him!), Elijah kindly signed both paintings…. and so my 8 year celebrity autographed portrait adventure had begun!

Orlando Bloom

In 2007, I heard Orlando Bloom (who plays the character ‘Legolas’) was appearing on stage at The Duke of York theatre in London. I travelled to London with the painting and waited by the stage door of the theatre, along with over a hundred other fans!

As Orlando came out, he kindly signed for many fans holding photographs of him. I held out my painting out for him, he saw it and smiled and came over to me, he looked at it for a few moments, admiring it with a smile and reached forward to sign it but, as he did so, a member of staff from the Duke of York theatre pushed my painting away, up over my head, and demanded that Orlando will not sign anything to do with Lord of The Rings, only photos of the current play he was in. Orlando looked a bit bemused at this man’s behaviour and apologised. I explained to the member of staff it had taken over 30 hours of work to paint and please could I have his signature, but the man replied “No!” and threatened to take my painting away from me if I asked again. Unfortunately, to this day, I have still not had the opportunity to ask for Orlando’s autograph again, I am sure he would under different circumstances, as he would surely have signed on this occasion without the intervention of the man from the Duke of York!

Dominic Monaghan

In September of 2007, I read that Dominic Monaghan (who plays ‘Merry’), was appearing at a film convention in London to sign autographs. I took the painting to the event and there was naturally a huge queue for him. He was signing autographs all day, for over 6 hours before it came to my turn to meet him. Although probably exhausted, he very kindly signed the painting, he was a wonderful friendly man.

Ian McKellen

A few months later, in January 2008, Ian McKellen, one of the greatest British actors of all time, (who plays ‘Gandalf’ in the film) was appearing in his highly acclaimed role of "King Lear" in Shakespeare’s play on stage at the New London Theatre.

After a 3 hour journey to the west end of London, I waited by the stage door of the theatre for a couple of hours with other fans waiting to meet him.

When Ian McKellen came out, he saw my painting said "Oh My God!" and then gazed at the painting for a few moments before kindly signing it.

I was very flattered that he liked it.

He signed autographs for all the fans who had waited for him and he was so kind and friendly to everyone.

Viggo Mortensen

The following year, in March 2009, I read that Viggo Mortensen (who plays ‘Aragorn’) was being interviewed about his career at a theatre in London.

I arrived at the theatre just an hour before the talk started and was very lucky to meet him, because after just 10 minutes of standing outside the theatre, I turned around and there was Viggo Mortensen walking down the street towards me!

There were a few other fans there who quickly surrounded him and he signed autographs for all of them, he then saw my painting and asked me my name and kindly wrote ‘To Paul…’ along with his signature, before he went into the theatre.

This painting continues to provide wonderful adventures and memories for me that I treasure forever.

Below is the film of Elijah Wood signing the Lord of the Rings painting along with the Frodo portrait of him.

Below is the film of Ian McKellen signing the painting.

Below is the film of Dominic Monaghan signing the painting.

Below is the film of Viggo Mortensen signing the painting.