(video of her signing at bottom of text)

NICOLE SCHERZINGER portrait signed by Nicole.jpg
Myself and Nicole Scherzinger

Myself and Nicole Scherzinger

Nicole’s wonderful reaction to the portrait

Nicole’s wonderful reaction to the portrait

Nicole signing the portrait

Nicole signing the portrait

Nicole after photographing me and the portrait on her mobile phone

Nicole after photographing me and the portrait on her mobile phone

Nicole Scherzinger an Paul Stillwell.jpg

Nicole Scherzinger

Painted in January 2009

Acrylic on canvas - 24 inch x 24 inch


Autographed by Nicole in January 2009

I read that R’n’B band The Pussycat Dolls were performing in my home town of Bournemouth on the south coast of England. I decided to paint a portrait of their lead singer and highly successful solo artist Nicole Scherzinger and see if I could meet her and ask for her autograph on it.

I worked for over 40 hours on the portrait, creating a painting that I felt she might enjoy seeing.

I took the painting to the local theatre at 3pm hoping to meet Nicole after the band’s afternoon soundcheck.

I met a lovely lady outside the stage door called Katie who was Nicole's best friend. Katie loved the portrait and said she would go inside and ask Nicole to come out and sign my painting.

When Nicole came out she was the nicest lady I could ever wish to meet, she made so many compliments about my painting and said she was honoured someone would paint her.

She kindly signed the portrait and posed for a few photos for me, and then she asked Katie to take a photo of myself and Nicole with the painting on Nicole's own mobile phone too for her own memories.

Nicole then asked if I was going to the show that evening, but I said I couldn't get a ticket because it was sold out, Nicole said “Wait here a moment” and disappeared inside. Five minutes later she came out and to my amazement said “Your name is on the door for you and a friend to come to the concert!”

She was so kind and I will remember her generosity forever.

Later that evening myself and my friend enjoyed front row seats at the concert!

A very special encounter and I was very touched by her kindness and her spirit.

Below is the film of Nicole signing the portrait.