(video of him signing at bottom of text)

GEORGE CLOONEY signed by George Clooney.jpg
George Clooney’s wonderful reaction when seeing the portrait

George Clooney’s wonderful reaction when seeing the portrait

George Clooney signing the painting 1.JPG
George signing the portrait

George signing the portrait

Painting George Clooney

Painting George Clooney


George Clooney

Painted in April 2008

Acrylic on canvas - 30 inch x 24 inch

Sold to a client in Singapore

Autographed by George in April 2008

I read that George Clooney would be attending the premiere of his new film 'Leatherheads' in London, April 2008, so I worked for 30 hours on a portrait of him and travelled up to London in the early morning of the premiere and waited outside the cinema for 9 hours until George was due to arrive.

There were many hundreds of people there hoping to meet him. As the time approached and the crush began, I held my painting over the barrier to keep it protected, with a video camera hung around my chest, hoping to capture the moment I met George.

When he arrived he was fantastic, he took the time and effort to sign for many hundreds of fans, working his way along the whole crowd for over 2 hours. This eased the tension as I was sure he would sign my portrait as I could see he was signing for all the hundreds of fans there.

When he saw my painting he gave a fabulous surprised reaction and said ‘Wow! Do you want me to sign it?’

I was surprised he spoke to me and I quickly replied ‘Yes! Please!’.

Some people in the crowd told me there is something special in the eyes in my portrait so maybe that it was created his wonderful reaction.

It was wonderful to see such a famous actor give so much time for his fans.

Below is the film of him signing the portrait.