(video of her signing at bottom of text)

JULIETTE BINOCHE signed by Juliette Binoche.JPG
Juliette’s reaction to the painting(Photos by kind permission of Richard Goldschmidt)

Juliette’s reaction to the painting

(Photos by kind permission of Richard Goldschmidt)

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Painting Juliette Binoche

Painting Juliette Binoche


Juliette Binoche

Painted in October 2008

Acrylic on canvas - 30 inch x 24 inch


Autographed by Juliette in October 2008

I saw one of my of my favourite actresses, the very talented French actress Juliette Binoche, appear in Pirandello’s remarkable play ‘Naked’ back in February 1998 at Almeida Theatre in London, long before I began painting portraits.

She gave an incredible performance I would never forget.

So, when I read she was returning to the London stage in 2008 to perform in the play ‘In-i’, I made no hesitation in painting her portrait. Working for over 30 hours to capture her depth and charm.

I travelled 100 miles up to London with my painting and waited for Juliette by the stage door of the theatre after her performance.

However, I hadn’t realised there was another exit further along and unfortunately Juliette came out through that exit, she got straight into a car which then started to drive away, but as it drove passed me, Juliette she saw me standing with my painting by the stage door and she immediately asked the driver to stop. She got out and came straight over to me and said ‘Wow!’. I was quite stunned.

Juliette seemed delighted with the portrait and kindly autographed it, adding a lovely inscription ‘Amites, Juliette Binoche, What a work!’

After signing, Juliette said she was in a hurry because she had to go to a meeting at the Embassy.

This made me feel so deeply touched by her kindness that she decided to stop and come over to sign for me despite her pressing engagement.

As an actor myself, watching her acting performances is an inspiration to me, and so having this amazing encounter with her will stay in my heart forever.

Below is the film of Juliette signing the portrait.