(video of her signing at bottom of text)

Angelina Jolie signing the portrait

Angelina Jolie signing the portrait

Angeline Jolie signing the portrait.jpg
Angelina’s reaction to seeing the portrait

Angelina’s reaction to seeing the portrait

How the painting was signed by Angelina Jolie.jpg
Painting Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

Painting Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt


Angelina Jolie

Painted in May 2008

Acrylic on canvas - 30 inch x 24 inch

For Sale on Ebay - Click here for Ebay listing

Autographed by Angelina in August 2010

In February 2009, when Angelina was married to Brad Pitt, I read that they would both be attending the BAFTA awards at The Royal Opera House in London.

I had an idea to paint a portrait of them together and endeavour to ask both of them to autograph it.

Working for over 40 hours on the portrait, I was excited at the possibility of meeting them.

I had heard that the area designated for fans outside was very restricted at the awards, so I left home at 1am and travelled 100 miles to London. Arriving at 3.30am and secured a good place in the public area.

I waited 15 hours in freezing weather with hundreds of fans to meet them.

Unfortunately, just as they arrived it began to pour with rain, however they both kindly spent time signing autographs for fans in the rain.

Both Angelina and Brad came over to me and signed my portrait, however, they were signing using their own pen which was not waterproof and although the acrylic paint on the canvas is not affected by rain, the ink from their pens was washed off almost as fast as they signed it, leaving barely a trace of their signatures! (You can just make out the remains of Brad’s signature below his shoulder).

Plus, to add to the predicament, my camera didn't work so I had no recording of the meeting!

My only option was to wait for another event they would attend in the future. I was thrilled in August 2010 when I heard Angelina would attend the premiere of the film 'Salt' in London.

Again I travelled for 3 hours to get to London, and waited 7 hours for her to arrive, thankfully this time in warm, sunny weather!

Angelina kindly signed my painting with a nice big signature with my permanent marker. 

Now that Angelina and Brad have parted ways, it is unlikely I would ever get Brad to autograph the portrait again, but I am thrilled to have Angelina’s signature on it.

Below is my film of Angelina Jolie signing the portrait.

Below is a clip from a TV programme of Angelina Jolie signing the portrait.