(video of him signing at bottom of text)

Johnny Depp signed L.jpg
Johnny Depp’s reaction to the portrait

Johnny Depp’s reaction to the portrait

Johnny Depp signing the portrait

Johnny Depp signing the portrait

Painting Johnny Depp

Painting Johnny Depp


Johnny Depp

Don Juan

Painted in June 2009

Acrylic on canvas - 30 inch x 24 inch

Sold to a client in Florida, USA

Autographed by Johnny in June 2009

After 30 hours of hard work on the portrait, I met Johnny Depp for a second time at the premiere of the film "Public Enemies" in London, June 2009.

I left home at 7am and when I arrived in Leicester Square there were already over 100 fans waiting for him.

We waited all day in hot sunshine and when Johnny arrived at 6pm he spent over an hour going along the crowd giving everyone an autograph.

He was late for giving a talk inside the cinema and so the security had to take him away but he told the fans he would come back out.

After giving his talk he came back out and continued giving autographs for all those fans he missed before.

To see a world famous celebrity give so much of his time and energy to fans was heart-warming. An amazingly kind, generous and honest man.

When he saw my painting he said "Wow that's beautiful!"

He signed it and then said "That's very good!"

It was a great thrill to meet him again.

Below is the film of him signing the portrait.