(video of her signing at bottom of text)

JENNIFER LOPEZ Signed by JLo copy.jpg
The moment Jennifer Lopez saw my portrait

The moment Jennifer Lopez saw my portrait

Jennifer Lopez as she is about to sign the portrait

Jennifer Lopez as she is about to sign the portrait

Jennifer asking me if I painted it and commenting “That’s gorgeous!”

Jennifer asking me if I painted it and commenting “That’s gorgeous!”

Jennifer Lopez signing the portrait

Jennifer Lopez signing the portrait

Jennifer Lopez signing the painting 1.jpg
Jennifer’s unique signature for the portrait

Jennifer’s unique signature for the portrait


Jennifer Lopez

Painted in April 2010

Acrylic on canvas - 30 inch x 24 inch

Sold to a client in Singapore

Autographed by Jennifer in April 2010

I met Jennifer Lopez at the premiere of her film 'The Back-Up Plan' in London, April 2010

The painting took over 40 hours of highly concentrated work, studying photographs and building up the detail carefully, and I finished just in time for the premiere.

Leaving home very early at 5am, I travelled up to London and arrived at Leicester Square at 10am.

I waited all day with the crowd until 6pm when Jennifer arrived.

She was a very friendly lady and talked to many fans as she signed lots of autographs.

She gave a wonderful reaction when she saw my painting, clearly very surprised. I explained that I had painted it and she said "That's gorgeous!" and kindly signed it.

A fan next to me said that she always signs her signature as ‘J.Lo’ and it was very rare for her to sign her full name as she did on my portrait.

It was a great moment to meet Jennifer who was lovely and friendly and I shall always treasure her wonderful reaction to my portrait.

Below is the film of her signing the portrait.