(video of her signing at bottom of text)

JOAN COLLINS signed by Joan Collins L.JPG
Joan Collins signing the portrait

Joan Collins signing the portrait

Joan Collins signing 2.JPG
How the painting was signed by Joan Collins2.JPG
Joan’s signature

Joan’s signature


Joan Collins

Painted in April 2009

Acrylic on canvas - 30 inch x 24 inch

Sold to a client in UK

Autographed by Joan in April 2009

I heard that Joan Collins would be signing autographs at a film convention in Birmingham, April 2009

I found a beautiful photo of her to use as the inspiration for my painting and then worked for over 30 hours to capture her spirit in the portrait.

On the day of the event I drove 160 miles up to Birmingham to meet her.

Joan looked fabulous and gave a wonderful compliment about my portrait...

She said ‘Wow that’s fabulous! I have been shown a lot of portraits of myself but this is one of the best.’

I was very flattered to get such compliments from one of the most famous actresses in the world.

We spoke for a few moments about art as her son is also an artist.

I was very touched by how warm hearted and kind Joan was. She made me feel like I was her friend.

It was a great thrill to meet her and a wonderful memory.

Below is the film of her signing the portrait.