(video of him signing at bottom of text)

DANIEL CRAIG  autographed - s.jpg
Daniel Craig sees the portrait

Daniel Craig sees the portrait

Daniel signing the portrait

Daniel signing the portrait

Daniel signing 4.jpg
Holding up the portrait for the RTL film crew

Holding up the portrait for the RTL film crew

A contented artist

A contented artist

Waiting for Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford at the premiere

Waiting for Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford at the premiere

The image penciled in …the painting begins!

The image penciled in …the painting begins!


Daniel Craig

Painted in August 2011

Acrylic on canvas - 30 inch x 24 inch

Sold to a client in Merseyside, UK

Autographed by Daniel on 11th August 2011

In the summer of 2011, I was contacted by a national TV company in Germany called RTL, who had seen my artwork on the internet and asked if they could make a short film about me for one of their entertainment shows. They said they would like to film my process of painting a portrait and travelling to a film premiere and asking the actor to autograph it. I was delighted to, and mentioned there was a forthcoming premiere at the O2 arena in London of ‘Cowboys and Aliens’ featuring Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford, and perhaps I could paint both of them and see if I could get both signed. RTL asked me keep a video diary of painting them and they would send their London based crew to film me at the premiere.

Each portrait involved over 30 hours of highly concentrated work, studying photographs and building up the detail carefully, but I finished both in time for the premiere.

The day of the premiere arrived, which ironically was also my birthday. I left home at 5am and dove for 3 hours to East London. The RTL crew greeted me and reserved a privileged position for me in the media area.

When Daniel Craig arrived he fortunately came straight over to me to sign my portrait. He gave a wonderful surprised reaction, and later on, the RTL film crew interviewed him and asked him what he thought of the portrait to which he replied “It’s amazing! It was kind of him to paint me, I am not used to that kind of thing.” (see the end of the RTL film below).

RTL filmed the signings from both actors and compiled a wonderful film about me which was broadcast on national TV in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Certainly a birthday to remember!

Below is the RTL film from Germany about me.

Below is my video diary of painting the portrait and meeting Daniel Craig.