(video of him signing at bottom of text)

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Johnny Depp signing the portrait

Johnny Depp signing the portrait

Johnny Depp signing for fans next to me

Johnny Depp signing for fans next to me

Painting Johnny Depp

Painting Johnny Depp

painting Johnny Depp 2.jpg

Johnny Depp

Painted in January 2008

Acrylic on canvas - 30 inch x 24 inch

Sold to a client in Florida, USA

Autographed by Johnny in January 2008

My first of 3 portraits of Johnny Depp.

I met him for the first time at the premiere of the film "Sweeney Todd" in London, January 2008.

I travelled up to London with my portrait of Johnny and arrived at Leicester Square at 12 noon. There were already many people there and I managed to secure a spot at the front of the barriers next to the cinema door. After standing there for 7 hours in pouring rain to wait for Johnny, he arrived. Fortunately the rain stopped and he spent 45 minutes signing autographs for many fans in very cold weather. Amongst the hundreds of fans screaming and pushing, I managed to take my my painting out of my art case and put it over the front of the barrier, hoping he would sign. 

When he saw my portrait he said "Wow that's beautiful!" 

He kindly signed it and then he put his hands together in a prayer position and bowed his head to me and said "Thank you". 

I was very touched by his gesture and he clearly appreciates his fans and seems a very kind and charming man. It was a great thrill to meet him.

Below is a film of him signing the portrait.